
インドのあるフリースクールで勉強する子供たちの写真.壁を四角に黒く塗って黒板とし,近くのスラムの30人ほどの子供たちが,無料で授業を受けているという (元の記事.←音が出るので注意).

以前,本ブログの記事にも書いたように(参照: 勉強する子供たち),私は,勉強している子供たちを見るのが好きだ.そこには未来があり,希望がある.

追記: 2013年3月20日



STUDY TIME: Boys studied at a makeshift school in Budyali, Afghanistan, Tuesday. (Anja Niedringhaus/Associated Press )

追記: 2013年9月20日

http://imgur.com/ivMlb8X より:

Japan one month after Hiroshima, 1945. [563x359]


追記: 2013年10月5日

Daily life: September 2013 - The Big Picture - Boston.com より:

Girls do their homework inside a delivery van and a boy enjoys by himself hanging from the van's door at a second-hand furniture market while their parents work as vendors in Beijing, China, Sept. 24.  (Alexander F. Yuan/Associated Press) 

追記: 2013年10月30日

Daily life: Peru by Rodrigo Abd  - The Big Picture - Boston.com より:

Ashaninka Indian girls attend a public school on Oct. 1 in the Kinkibiri village, Pichari district, Peru. Ashaninka elders teach the new generations to appreciate the wilderness that sustained their ancestors, but many have given up on rainforest life and moved to cities. Elders also worry that their language, a member of the Arawak family, is disappearing. Area schools teach in Spanish. (Rodrigo Abd/Associated Press) 

追記: 2013年12月4日

http://russiamagazine.tumblr.com/post/52462041568/chemistry-lesson-moscow-1975 より:

School children study chemistry, Moscow, 1975. 

追記: 2014年1月31日

ソース: http://newyorker.tumblr.com/post/74290343376/rebecca-mead-on-a-burgeoning-movement-among

“Parents who challenge the status quo on testing are not motivated by a deluded pride in their children's unrecognized accomplishments, or by a fear that their property values will diminish if their schools' scores' drop. They are, in many cases, driven by a conviction that a child's performance on a standardized test is an inadequate, unreliable measure of that child's knowledge, intelligence, aptitude, diligence, and character―and a still more unreliable measure of his teachers' effort, skill, perseverance, competence, and kindness.”

追記: 2016年11月20日

椅子がなくても勉強したい! シリア反体制派支配地域の子どもたち 写真17枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News





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